
– Clarios and Altris have announced a Joint Development Agreement for low-voltage battery solutions
– Altris will focus on developing sodium-ion cell technology, while Clarios will develop Battery Management Systems
– This agreement builds on a collaboration initiated earlier this year to create a production plan for low-voltage vehicle batteries
– Clarios states the ability to manufacture advanced battery types to support low-voltage demands created by vehicle technologies
– Source of information is Green Car Congress


Clarios and Altris have recently entered into a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) to collaborate on low-voltage battery solutions for mobility applications. Altris, a Swedish manufacturer of sodium-ion batteries, will focus on developing the sodium-ion cell technology, while Clarios will work on developing the Battery Management Systems (BMS) and software required for designing the battery system. This agreement builds upon a previous collaboration agreement between the two companies, which laid the groundwork for the production of low-voltage vehicle batteries using sodium-ion cells.

Federico Morales Zimmermann, GM at Clarios, expressed excitement about the collaboration and highlighted the company’s capability to produce various advanced battery types such as absorbent glass mat, lithium-ion, and sodium-ion. This will enable Clarios to meet the increasing demand for low-voltage batteries driven by the advancement in vehicle technologies. The partnership between Clarios and Altris underscores a commitment to innovation and sustainability in the automotive industry. By leveraging the unique properties of sodium-ion technology, the companies aim to deliver reliable and efficient battery solutions for the evolving needs of the mobility sector.

The focus of the Joint Development Agreement is to advance the technology and production processes of sodium-ion batteries for low-voltage applications. Altris will lead the efforts in developing the sodium-ion cell technology, which offers potential advantages such as enhanced safety, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability. Meanwhile, Clarios will concentrate on developing the necessary Battery Management Systems and software to optimize the performance and reliability of the battery systems. This collaborative approach combines the expertise and capabilities of both companies to accelerate the development and deployment of advanced battery solutions.

The strategic partnership between Clarios and Altris reflects a shared commitment to driving innovation and addressing key challenges in the battery technology space. By leveraging Altris’ expertise in sodium-ion technology and Clarios’ experience in battery management systems, the companies aim to develop cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of the mobility sector. The Joint Development Agreement signifies a significant step forward in advancing low-voltage battery solutions for various applications, including electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and other advanced mobility technologies. This partnership underscores the importance of collaboration and cooperation in driving sustainable innovation in the automotive industry.

As the demand for low-voltage battery solutions continues to grow, companies like Clarios and Altris are positioned to play a key role in shaping the future of the mobility sector. By combining their respective strengths in battery technology and system integration, the companies can deliver high-performance and cost-effective solutions that cater to the diverse needs of customers in the automotive industry. The Joint Development Agreement between Clarios and Altris represents a strategic alignment of resources and capabilities to accelerate the development and commercialization of sodium-ion battery technology for low-voltage applications. This partnership is poised to drive innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in the automotive sector.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Clarios and Altris through the Joint Development Agreement signifies a significant milestone in the advancement of low-voltage battery solutions for mobility applications. By combining their expertise in sodium-ion technology and battery management systems, the companies are well-positioned to develop innovative and sustainable solutions that address the evolving needs of the automotive industry. The partnership underscores a shared commitment to driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in the mobility sector, and sets the stage for the development of cutting-edge battery solutions for electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and other advanced mobility technologies.

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