- Collaboration between Micromeritics Instrument and Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology
- Focus on education and training for scientists and engineers
- Aim to develop novel materials for clean technology applications
- Installation of Micromeritics 3Flex high-performance adsorption analyzer in Germany
- Instrument will be used to investigate sorbents for thermochemical heat storage systems
Micromeritics Instrument, a company that provides analytical instrumentation for particle, powder, and porous material characterization, has partnered with the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) to collaborate on education and training for scientists and engineers. The goal of this partnership is to accelerate the development of novel materials crucial for clean technology applications such as thermochemical heat storage systems, electrolysis, fuel cells, and batteries. In the past, the two organizations have worked together to offer training for battery cell production.
As part of this collaboration, the Micromeritics 3Flex high-performance adsorption analyzer will be installed in the Advanced Electrochemistry Lab in Pfinztal, near Karlsruhe, Germany. This research instrument is capable of performing physisorption, chemisorption, dynamic chemisorption, and pulse chemisorption, providing valuable data for catalysts and particulate material development. According to Christian Teicht, PhD, a Scientist for Sorption Technologies at Fraunhofer ICT, the new instrument will enable the investigation of sorbents for thermochemical heat storage systems with high accuracy. These measurements will serve as a starting point for the development of new sorption-based thermochemical heat storage systems.
The collaboration between Micromeritics and the Fraunhofer ICT is a significant step towards advancing research and development in the field of clean technology. By combining their expertise and resources, the two organizations are better positioned to drive innovation in materials that are essential for sustainable energy solutions. The installation of the Micromeritics 3Flex analyzer in the Advanced Electrochemistry Lab will provide researchers with state-of-the-art tools for studying sorption processes and developing new materials with improved performance.
The focus on thermochemical heat storage systems in this collaboration highlights the importance of developing efficient energy storage solutions to support the transition to renewable sources of energy. By studying sorbents and their properties using advanced analytical techniques, researchers can gain valuable insights that will inform the design and optimization of heat storage systems. This work is essential for addressing the challenges associated with energy storage and ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply for the future.
Overall, the partnership between Micromeritics Instrument and the Fraunhofer ICT represents a commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation in the field of clean technology. Through their collaboration, researchers and engineers will have access to cutting-edge instrumentation and training opportunities that will empower them to develop new materials and technologies that are critical for a sustainable future. By leveraging their respective strengths and capabilities, the two organizations are poised to make significant contributions to the development of clean energy solutions and environmental sustainability.
In conclusion, the collaboration between Micromeritics Instrument and the Fraunhofer ICT holds great promise for accelerating research and development in the field of clean technology. By combining their expertise and resources, the two organizations are working together to drive innovation in materials critical for sustainable energy applications. The installation of the Micromeritics 3Flex analyzer in the Advanced Electrochemistry Lab will provide researchers with advanced capabilities for studying sorption processes and developing new materials for thermochemical heat storage systems. This partnership exemplifies a shared commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and technological progress for a more sustainable future.
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