
– 264 Megapack batteries spotted at the Lathrop Megafactory
– Megapack is designed for grid use, offered in 2 variants
– The 2-hour Megapack is priced at $983,370 before taxes and installation charges
– Tesla Energy is an important and growing part of Tesla’s operations
– Elon Musk highlighted record profitability for energy business in Q1 earnings call


Tesla’s Lathrop Megafactory is focused on production of the company’s flagship battery storage unit, the Megapack, as the second quarter of 2024 comes to a close. A recent drone flyover of the California-based facility revealed 264 Megapack batteries in the holding lots. The Megapack is specifically designed for grid use and is offered in two variants: a 2-hour version that provides 1.9 MW of power and 3.9 MWh of energy, and a 4-hour variant that offers 1 MW of power and 3.9 MWh of energy.

The 2-hour Megapack is priced at $983,370 and the 4-hour Megapack is priced at $915,780 before taxes and installation charges. With 264 Megapacks present at the Lathrop Megafactory during the recent flyover, the total value of the batteries is estimated to be at least $241.5 million before installation charges. While Tesla Energy may not be as glamorous as the company’s electric vehicle business, it is a substantial part of the company that is growing at a rapid pace. Elon Musk highlighted the importance of the Megapack during the first quarter earnings call, noting that energy storage deployments reached an all-time high in Q1, leading to record profitability for the energy business.

Tesla watcher Met God in Wilderness conducted the drone flyover of the Lathrop Megafactory on June 28, 2024, capturing footage of the 264 Megapacks in the facility’s holding lots. The Megapack production at the Lathrop Megafactory is a key focus for Tesla as the company continues to expand its energy storage capabilities. The Megapack batteries are a vital component of Tesla’s overall operations, contributing to the company’s profitability and growth in the energy sector.

With the increasing demand for energy storage solutions, Tesla’s Megapack production is expected to continue growing in the coming quarters and years. Elon Musk has expressed confidence in the future growth of the Megapack business, stating that it will increase significantly faster than the car business as expected. The Lathrop Megafactory is playing a crucial role in meeting this growing demand, producing high-quality Megapack batteries for grid use.

The drone operator’s video of the Lathrop Megafactory provides a glimpse into the production process and the scale of Megapack production at the facility. Tesla’s focus on expanding its energy storage capabilities highlights the company’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions and its efforts to revolutionize the clean energy sector. As the demand for energy storage continues to rise, Tesla’s Megapack production at the Lathrop Megafactory will play a significant role in meeting this demand and driving the company’s growth in the energy sector.

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