
– Shift towards 800 V power system architectures in electric vehicles is gaining momentum
– Challenges and benefits of transitioning from 400 V to 800 V architectures
– Importance of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation in testing 800 V architectures
– Increased complexity in battery management systems and need for more durable components in 800 V EV architectures
– Advantages of HIL simulation in early issue identification, design improvements, and cost savings in EV development.


The shift towards 800 V power system architectures in electric vehicles is gaining momentum, leading to increased complexity in battery management systems and the need for more durable components. This transition promises benefits in efficiency, range, and charging times, making it crucial for test professionals to adapt to the changing landscape. Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation is playing a pivotal role in this transition by providing advantages in early issue identification, design improvements, and cost savings. High voltage switching, RTD simulation, and fault insertion are key aspects of HIL simulation in electric vehicle development.

Creating an efficient HIL test platform for testing 800 V architectures requires careful planning and a detailed migration path. This white paper delves into the reasons behind the move to 800 V and the challenges it presents to test professionals. By utilizing HIL simulation, developers can ensure the reliability and safety of 800 V power systems while also optimizing performance and reducing time-to-market. The white paper provides insights into how HIL simulation can facilitate the transition from 400 V to 800 V architectures in electric vehicles.

Understanding the relevance of HIL simulation in the context of the 800 V EV transition is essential for test professionals involved in the development of electric vehicles. With HIL simulation, issues can be identified and resolved early in the design process, leading to improved performance and cost savings. The white paper emphasizes the importance of high voltage switching, RTD simulation, and fault insertion in the development of EVs with 800 V architectures. By leveraging HIL simulation, developers can address the challenges posed by the transition to higher voltage systems effectively.

In conclusion, the white paper highlights the crucial role that HIL simulation plays in the shift towards 800 V power system architectures in electric vehicles. Test professionals must adapt to the changing landscape by implementing efficient HIL test platforms and leveraging the benefits of simulation in early issue identification, design improvements, and cost savings. By following a detailed migration path for testing 800 V architectures, developers can ensure the reliability, safety, and performance of electric vehicles. Overall, HIL simulation is instrumental in facilitating the transition from 400 V to 800 V architectures in the rapidly evolving electric vehicle industry.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicles, the shift towards 800 V power system architectures is gaining serious momentum. This white paper, “HIL Simulation’s Crucial Role in the 800 V EV Transition,” explores the reasons behind the move to 800 V, the varied challenges this move presents to test professionals, and the pivotal role hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation is playing in the transition from 400 V to 800 V architectures. In addition, we detail how to efficiently create a HIL test platform and outline a detailed migration path for testing 800 V architectures. Sponsored by Pickering Interfaces, the white paper emphasizes the importance of understanding the relevance of HIL simulation in the context of the 800 V EV transition and provides insights into how HIL simulation can facilitate this transition effectively.

You will learn why 800 V EV architectures will mean increased complexity in battery management systems and require more durable components; the benefits in efficiency, range, and charging times promised by the shift to 800 V; how HIL simulation provides advantages in early issue identification, design improvements, and cost savings and the relevance of high voltage switching, RTD simulation, and fault insertion in EV development. By creating an efficient HIL test platform and following a detailed migration path for testing 800 V architectures, test professionals can ensure the reliability, safety, and performance of electric vehicles. Through HIL simulation, developers can address the challenges posed by the transition to higher voltage systems and optimize the design and testing processes for 800 V architectures.

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