
– A three-week test of the Fisker Ocean led to contemplation of its legacy
– Fisker filed for bankruptcy protection on June 17, 2024
– Fisker Ocean details such as drive type, range, output, and battery
– The Fisker Ocean faced various software glitches and issues
– The Fisker Ocean had mixed reviews, with some praising its design and features while others criticized its functionality


The Fisker Ocean, an electric SUV, was tested over a three-week period in May and June 2024. The company declared bankruptcy, leading to questions about the quality and potential of the vehicle. Despite its promising features such as a 360-mile range, dual-motor AWD, and unique design elements, the Fisker Ocean faced numerous challenges from the start. The Version 1.0 software was widely criticized for being slow, glitchy, and unreliable. Even with software updates, warning lights and messages continued to appear randomly throughout the testing period.

The history of Fisker has been plagued with quality issues, as Henrik Fisker’s earlier venture, the Fisker Karma, also faced problems and bankruptcy. The Ocean, while a decent SUV with a range of features and amenities, lacked advancements found in other electric vehicles such as hands-off automated driving assistance and adaptive cruise control. The driving experience was average, with some technical glitches reported during testing. Despite the potential of the design and features, the Ocean did not stand out from its competitors in terms of performance and user experience.

The Fisker Ocean was manufactured by Magna Steyr in Austria and relied on contract manufacturers for production. As an “asset-light” company, Fisker lacked its own production facilities and quality control processes. The possibility of acquiring the remains of the company, including the IP and platform, seemed challenging due to the ongoing issues with the vehicle’s software and design. Owners and prospective buyers hoping for a solution to the existing problems were unlikely to see a quick fix. The future of the Fisker Ocean depended on dedicated owners who were willing to experiment with solutions to keep the vehicles operational.

While the Fisker Ocean lacked the unique design and appeal of its predecessor, the Karma, it found a new community of owners willing to address its issues with homemade software work and technical expertise. The role of these dedicated owners in keeping the Ocean alive seemed crucial in determining the future of the vehicle. Despite the challenges and setbacks faced by Fisker as a company, the potential for continued innovation and improvement by resourceful individuals within the owner community suggested a possible way forward for the Ocean’s legacy. As the electric vehicle market continues to evolve, the fate of the Fisker Ocean remains uncertain, with its future potentially lying in the hands of those who are committed to its maintenance and improvement.

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