
  • Many people doubted Tesla’s capabilities throughout its development stages
  • Author struggles to believe in Tesla’s approach to robotaxis and achieving its targets
  • Video discusses the inefficiency of adding more data for generative AI in achieving complex goals
  • Concerns raised about Tesla risking chasing diminishing returns with its approach to FSD
  • Author remains unsure about the success of Tesla’s robotaxis but acknowledges the exciting possibilities if it works out


The article discusses the skepticism surrounding Tesla’s approach to robotaxis and its plan to roll them out within a few years. The author reflects on their own shift from believing in Tesla’s capabilities to questioning whether the company will achieve its robotaxi targets. A reader in the comments section brings up the concept of FSD training and the exponential need for training data, highlighting the challenges in achieving complex technological goals.

The reader references a video on Generative AI, which emphasizes the diminishing returns when attempting to achieve more complicated and nuanced outcomes. The video suggests that pouring significant resources into data collection and model processing may not always lead to the desired technological solutions. The author expresses concern that Tesla risks chasing diminishing returns with its FSD approach, potentially burning cash without successfully rolling out robotaxis.

The article connects these concerns to the “seesaw problem,” which refers to the challenges of solving complex problems with the hardware and software approach Tesla is using. The author acknowledges the possibility of being wrong but remains cautious about the feasibility of Tesla’s robotaxi plans. The video mentioned in the article points to two possible outcomes for generative AI, with the author leaning towards a more cautious approach to technological advancements in this field.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding Tesla’s FSD and robotaxi ambitions, the author highlights the need for continued monitoring of technological progress in the industry. By engaging with readers, sharing insights, and offering support for independent cleantech coverage, CleanTechnica aims to contribute to the acceleration of the cleantech revolution. The article encourages readers to stay informed, contribute to discussions, and support the advancement of innovative technologies in the clean energy sector.

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